
Shellcode Development Lab 본문

System hacking

Shellcode Development Lab

woddlwoddl 2024. 5. 7. 17:21
Shellcode Development Lab

Shellcode Development Lab

In this lab, we will learn how to write and execute custom shellcode for basic commands.

Lab Activities:

1. Writing Custom Shellcode:

To begin, let's create a simple C program that executes a basic shell command.

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>

  int main() {
      return 0;

Save the above code to a file named shell.c and compile it:

$ gcc -o shell shell.c

Now, let's write an exploit script in Python using pwntools to execute our custom shellcode:

  from pwn import *

  # Craft the shellcode
  shellcode = asm(

  # Create a payload with the shellcode
  payload = shellcode

  # Launch the exploit
  p = process('./shell')

Explanation of the Python script:

  • We use asm( to generate the shellcode for spawning a shell.
  • The shellcode is then used as the payload.
  • We launch the shell binary and send the payload to execute the shellcode.
  • p.interactive() allows us to interact with the spawned shell.

2. Executing Custom Shellcode:

Execute the Python script and observe the shell is spawned:

$ python

Once executed, you should have a shell prompt, confirming the successful execution of the custom shellcode.

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