1. Introduction to Vectors and Vector Spaces 본문
Introduction to Vectors and Vector Spaces
Vectors in Rn
A vector in Rn is an ordered list of n real numbers. It can be represented as:
where v1,v2,…,vn are the components of the vector v.
Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication
Vector Addition: If v=[v1,v2,…,vn] and w=[w1,w2,…,wn] are vectors in Rn, then their sum v+w is given by:
Scalar Multiplication: If v=[v1,v2,…,vn] is a vector in Rn and c is a scalar, then the scalar multiplication cv is given by:
Properties of Vectors
Vectors in Rn satisfy the following properties:
- Commutative Law: v+w=w+v for all vectors v and w.
- Associative Law: (v+w)+u=v+(w+u) for all vectors v, w, and u.
- Distributive Law: c(v+w)=cv+cw for all vectors v and w, and scalar c.
- Existence of Zero Vector: There exists a vector 0 such that v+0=v for all vectors v.
- Existence of Additive Inverse: For every vector v, there exists a vector −v such that v+(−v)=0.
Vector Spaces
A vector space is a set V together with two operations, vector addition and scalar multiplication, that satisfy the properties of closure, associativity, commutativity, existence of identity and inverses, and distributivity.
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